My name is Crystal Yingling, I am 23 years old and proudly half white and half Korean. I grew up in California until 4 days after my high school graduation when my parents decided to move to Washington. Up until Winter quarter of 2010, I had been working many awful, dead end jobs and felt that it was time to get my education and start a career. I am pursuing a Nursing degree and hope to one day work in pediatric oncology. I love children and know that this is the right path for me. Going back to school was the best decision I could have made and even though it's been tough, I know I can get through it. Everyday I think I can't take anymore, I think about what I could be doing in 3 more years and I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Throughout this class, I've gotten eye opening assignments that got me thinking about other lifestyles and backgrounds altogether. It's not everyday that we're able to dig into the ideas of Identity, Community and Tradition, so I'm glad I got to take a second look at the world through these assignments. Though I struggled with many of the papers, I feel I did well in speaking my mind on the discussion boards and getting ideas and new perspectives with interacting with classmates. The Community assignments got me to look at people's "hobbies" a little differently. Though the hobby seems like something people just do collectively, seeing it as a community shows that the hobby is what brought everyone together. Then once they are all together, it's almost like a separate family. It was nice to see others perspectives on what was considered a community as well. Tradition got me thinking about family and friends. However, it also opened my eyes to how tradition is challenged and questioned and sometimes, ultimately changed. Instead of reading a book, we have Kindle. No need for records when you have a portable iPod. Even this class challenges the traditional way students would normally take an English class!
In my collection of writing pieces, I chose the four I feel strongly about. Both in my writing and in my "voice". For my critical thinking piece, I chose my DB 1 post called "Survival of the Fittest....or rather the Most Popular or Accepted...". For my Revision piece, I decided on my Tradition DB 2. With my illustrating awareness of audience and voice, I've decided on my community DB 2 post called "A Need of Belonging", I believe it got the readers to think. Finally, I chose my Identity DB 2 for my "writers choice" piece. I think it shows how I am as a writer and as a person.
This class has gotten me to really try to focus on my thesis for papers and try to stay on topic. However, as much as I try to go down this steady path, I am unable to deny that windy road and make it harder for me to come back to the original path again. I feel I've gotten a better idea of how to use tunnel vision on my papers, with just a little detour, I will find my way back and finish the journey.
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